For schools

A new and fun way for kids to explore the city!
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Guided tours, Treasure Hunts
Villages in play

A new and engaging way to do guided tours with kids!

From the experience of Giocacittà, founded in 2019, the fun and engaging way of doing guided tours with kids expands and becomes Villages in Play, reaching cities as well as small towns in the area.

While offering traditional guided tours, for primary and secondary schools, we recommend an interactive and playful approach, first proposed by us in Pavia, Vigevano, Milan.

Learn by having fun, through teamwork and active participation, to experience a truly educational experience.

Villages in Play - Treasure Hunt A teamwork effort

Thanks to our twenty years of experience in educational and playful activities in the museums of the Pavia and Milan area, we have brought the game to the streets of villages and cities!

with "Villages in Play"
It’s learned
while having fun

For primary and lower secondary school, accompanied by tour guides specialized in working with students and young people.


Through streets, squares, and courtyards, stories of history, art, general culture, curiosities, and traditions, told in a fun and engaging way.


The students take on fun challenges that test their attention, reasoning skills, memory, creativity, and teamwork.


Borghi In Gioco and Treasure Hunt take place in Pavia, Vigevano, Milan, and surrounding villages, lasting approximately two hours (half a day). For a full-day outing, the second part can be complemented by additional nature-based or cultural activities.

Get in touch

We are happy to collaborate with educational institutions to offer unique and engaging learning experiences. To ensure effective communication and optimal request management, we invite you to use the specific contact form below, exclusively reserved for schools.
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Il Giocacittà è tornato!

Un modo nuovo per scoprire la città, raccontare la storia, conoscere il territorio. Dopo i grandi e soddisfacenti riscontri di questi ultimi anni, riproponiamo il format per scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado e introduciamo le nuove proposte per le secondarie di secondo grado. Legando i percorsi in Pavia, Vigevano, Voghera ai rispettivi programmi dei vari gradi scolastici, portiamo i ragazzi alla scoperta di storia, storie, attualità e rerritorio attraverso visite guidate raccontate in modo coinvolgente e interrattivo attraverso prove da superare che coinvolgono le squadre di studenti.